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Collaborative Management Program (CMP) of Archuleta County


The Collaborative Management Program brings together agencies designed to improve outcomes for at-risk children, youth, and families involved in multiple systems. Archuleta is one of over 40 counties actively participating in the statewide program, which was established by Colorado State legislators in 2004 through House Bill 1451 (Read more about the program on the Colorado DHS website: 


The two primary goals of the Collaborative Management Program are:

1.        To support youth and their families who are experiencing adverse life events through facilitated problem-solving and community-based, wrap-around care and programming.

2.        To identify gaps in services within the community and work with stakeholders to build solutions and fill unmet needs.


To qualify for the Collaborative Management Program, the referred youth must be 0-21 years old, a resident of Archuleta County, and be actively involved in at least two systems (e.g., DHS, mental health, school issues, probation, etc.). 





If you or a family you know would benefit from CMP support, please download the CMP Referral/Authorization packet, fill it out, and email it to Adriana at with “Family Referral” in the subject line.


Adriana Medina

Adriana works at the Pagosa Community Initiative as the Archuleta County Collaborative Management Program (CMP) Coordinator.

Her main goals as CMP Coordinator are: to assist youth and families that are involved with mulitple systems by facilitating communication between agencies, connecting families with resources, and ultimately preventing further system involvement. Adriana is originally from Buffalo, NY (GO BILLS!) and has been living in Colorado for the last 8 years. In her free time she enjoys hiking, camping, fishing, cooking, watching stand-up comedy, and making art. 

Collaborative Management Program (CMP) Coordinator
Pagosa Community Initiative


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